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Get Transaction

  • Endpoint:
GET /transactions/{id}
  • Allowed for:

Users that are involved in the transaction, the user assigned or admins.

Curl example :

$ curl -X GET ''
  • JSON response example:
  "transaction" : {
       "id": "1",
       "date": "2012-01-01",
       "reference": "AVC123",
       "type": "direct",

Get Transactions

  • Endpoint:
GET /transactions
Name Type Comment
id int ID of transaction
property or mls_property Property details
user array User details
lead array Lead details
landlord array Landlord details
reference string reference of transaction
type string type of transaction (direct, indirect)
created_by string user/system that has created the transaction
developer_noc boolean developer NOC
status string transaction status
reason string comment about the status
negotiated_price integer The price negotiated during the transaction
contract_signed_at date Date of the transaction deal
contributors array List of contributors
notes array List of notes
documents array List of documents
acl_requests array List of ACL requests
resource_accesses array List of resource accesses
  • Fields sent for rent:
Name Type Comment
contract_start_at date date when the contract starts
contract_end_at date date when the contract ends
deposit array Commission object
owner_commission array Commission object
tenant_commission array Commission object
total_negotiated_price int price on the period * the rent period
rent_period string Rent period
gross_price string Gross price of the transaction
  • Fields sent for sale:
Name Type Comment
down_payment array Commission object
buyer_commission array Commission object
seller_commission array Commission object
date date date of the transfer
gross_price array gross price
  • Details of ACL requests:
Name Type Comment
id int ID of the transaction
transaction array transaction array with the ID of the transaction
requester array user array with the ID of the requester
receiver array user array with the ID of the receiver
resource array type and id of the resource linked
comment string comment in the request
status string status of the request (pending, accepted or rejected)
created_at date date of the creation
updated_at date date of the update
  • Details of ACL resource accesses:
Name Type Comment
id int ID of the transaction
transaction array transaction array with the ID of the transaction
resource array type and id of the resource linked
status string status of the request (pending, linked, granted or denied)
created_at date date of the creation
updated_at date date of the update
  • Allowed for:

Users that are involved in the transaction, the user assigned or admins.

  • JSON response:

This endpoint will return a list of Transaction.

  • JSON response example:
  "transaction": [
      "id": 223443,
      "reference": "123ABC",
      "id": 8678530,
      "reference": "456ABC",
  • Filters :
Name Comment Value
reference filter by poperty/transaction reference ex: 'illusion-1'
type filter by transaction type direct or indirect
involved Array of involved people ex: user:1,client:1,landlord:1, lead:1
offering_type filter by financial type of transaction rent or sale
contract_signed_date_from Filter by contract date (rent and sale) date format like 2017-01-01
contract_signed_date_to Filter by contract date (rent and sale) date format like 2017-01-01
contract_start_date_from Filter by contract validity date (rent only) date format like 2017-01-01
contract_start_date_to Filter by contract validity date (rent only) date format like 2017-01-01
contract_end_date_from Filter by contract validity date (rent only) date format like 2017-01-01
contract_end_date_to Filter by contract validity date (rent only) date format like 2017-01-01
transfer_date_from Filter by transfer date (sale only) date format like 2017-01-01
transfer_date_to Filter by transfer date (sale only) date format like 2017-01-01
created_date_from Filter by creation date date format like 2017-01-01
created_date_to Filter by creation date date format like 2017-01-01
locations An array of locations a location path like are.3.1234
commission_from Filter by any commission in the transaction ex 1000
commission_to Filter by any commission in the transaction ex 1000
source A valid lead source ex propertyfinder
price_from Filter by any negotiated price in the transaction ex 1000
price_from Filter by any negotiated price in the transaction ex 1000
property_types array of property type ids ex 1
property_category Filter by property categeory residential or commercial
commission_from Filter by agent commission Number format
commission_to Filter by agent commission Number format
lead filter by lead ex: '1'
landlord filter by landlord ex: '1'
reason filter by reason ex: 'test'
transaction_fields filter on custom fields added in property ex: transaction_fields => ['1' =>'shi']
property_fields filter on custom fields added in property ex: property_fields => ['1' =>'shi']
lead_fields filter on custom fields added in lead ex: lead_fields => ['1' =>'shi']
landlord_fields filter on custom fields added in landlord ex: landlord_fields => ['1' =>'shi']
  • Sorting :
Name Comment
reference sorting by transaction reference
offering_type sorting by transaction offering type (sale or rent)
price sorting by transaction negotiated price
created sorting by transaction creation date
updated sorting by transaction last update date
lead sorting by lead name
user sorting by user name
status sorting by status
gross_commission sorting by grosse commission
total_commission sorting by total commission (lead + owner)

Create Transaction

  • Endpoint:
POST /transactions
  • Allowed for:

everyone can create a transaction

Name Type Mandatory Comment
reference string yes reference of transaction
type string yes type of transaction (direct, indirect)
lead integer yes if direct The lead assigned to the transaction
landlord integer yes if direct The landlord assigned to the transaction
property or mls_property integer yes Property or MLS property ID
negotiated_price integer yes if direct The price negotiated during the transaction
contract_signed_at integer yes if direct Date of the transaction
contract_signed_at integer yes if direct Date of the transaction
fields array  optional custom field list

If the transaction is for a rent:

Name Type Mandatory Comment
contract_start_at date yes if direct Date when the contract starts
contract_end_at date yes if direct Date when the contract ends
deposit array no A fix or percentage value
owner_commission array no A fix or percentage value
tenant_commission array no A fix or percentage value

If the transaction is for a sale:

Name Type Mandatory Comment
date date yes if direct Date for the transfer to the property
down_payment array no A fix or percentage value
buyer_commission array no A fix or percentage value
seller_commission array no A fix or percentage value

When an array needs a fix or percentage value, one of these two following key will be required:

Name Type Mandatory Comment
value integer no A fix value like 10000
percentage integer no A percentage from 0 to 100

For the contributors:

Name Type Mandatory Comment
tenant/owner string yes string value
percentage float yes Percentage
user integer yes Id of user
linkedin_person integer yes Id of contact
linkedin_company integer yes Id of contact
client null yes You don't need to specify a value for this contributor

Only one key among client, user, linkedin_person and linkedin_company is required.

  • JSON request example:
    "transaction": {
        "property" : 1,
        "lead": 1,
        "type": "direct",
        "reference": "qwerty",
        "negotiated_price": 1000,
        "contract_signed_at": "2017-01-01",
        "contract_start_at": "2017-01-01",
        "contract_end_at": "2017-01-01",
        "deposit": {
          "value": 10000,
        "owner_commission": {
              "percentage": 2.5,
        "tenant_commission": {
            "percentage": 5,
        "contributors": [
            "tenant": [
                  "percentage": 12,
                  "user": 1
                  "percentage": 30,
                  "client": null

            "owner": [
                  "percentage": 12,
                  "user": 1
                  "percentage": 30,
                  "client": null
        "fields": {
        "1": "2 pets", // id of the field => value of the field
        "3": true
  • JSON response:

This endpoint will return a Transaction.

Full update Transaction

  • Endpoint:
PUT /transactions/{id}
  • Allowed for:

users that has right property.update

  • JSON request

The mandatory fields are similar than transaction creation, and also:

Name Type Mandatory Comment
status_reason string no a comment when the transaction is set to lost
status_note string no a note for the transaction
status_workflow array yes mandatory when status_reason is set to Lost to competition

The stucture of status_workflow:

Name Type Mandatory Comment
property_status string yes new property status
lead_status string yes new lead status
  • JSON response:

This endpoint will return a Transaction.

** Contributors will be returned if the request is marked as expanded **

  • JSON response example:
    "transaction": {
        "property" : 1,
        "lead": 1,
        "type": "direct",
        "reference": "qwerty",
        "negotiated_price": 1000,
        "contract_signed_at": "2017-01-01",
        "contract_start_at": "2017-01-01",
        "contract_end_at": "2017-01-01",
            "deposit": {
                "value": 10000,
            "owner_commission": {
                "percentage": 2.5,
            "tenant_commission": {
                "percentage": 5,
             "contributors": {
            "tenant": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "percentage": 5,
                    "user": {
                        "id": 1,
                        "public": {
                            "first_name": "Jon",
                            "last_name": "D",
                            "email": "",
                            "licence": "XDXDSEF4",
                            "phone": "040404044",
                            "photo": {
                                "id": 11,
                                "thumb": {
                                    "link": "https:\/\/\/mycrm-internal-tests\/user\/thumb\/1\/foo.jpg",
                                    "width": 200,
                                    "height": 200
                                "full": {
                                    "link": "https:\/\/\/mycrm-internal-tests\/user\/full\/1\/foo.jpg",
                                    "width": 540,
                                    "height": 360
                            "descriptions": [
                                    "lang": "en",
                                    "content": "This is a description en"
                                    "lang": "ar",
                                    "content": "This is a description ar "
                            "position": null,
                            "linked_in": null,
                            "nationalities": null,
                            "languages": null
                        "private": {
                            "first_name": "Jon",
                            "last_name": "D",
                            "email": "",
                            "mobile": "040404044",
                            "landline": null,
                            "landline_extension": null,
                            "lang": null,
                            "photo": {
                                "id": 11,
                                "thumb": {
                                    "link": "https:\/\/\/mycrm-internal-tests\/user\/thumb\/1\/foo.jpg",
                                    "width": 200,
                                    "height": 200
                                "full": {
                                    "link": "https:\/\/\/mycrm-internal-tests\/user\/full\/1\/foo.jpg",
                                    "width": 540,
                                    "height": 360
                            "use_email_signature": true,
                            "licence": "XD789GHT",
                            "email_signature": "My signature"
                        "role": "admin",
                        "created_at": "$userCreatedAt",
                        "updated_at": "$userUpdatedAt"
            "owner": [
                    "id": 3,
                    "percentage": 25,
                    "user": {
                        "id": 3,
                        "public": {
                            "first_name": "Bob",
                            "last_name": "O",
                            "email": "",
                            "licence": "XDXDSEF5",
                            "phone": "040404044",
                            "photo": null,
                            "descriptions": [],
                            "position": null,
                            "linked_in": null,
                            "nationalities": null,
                            "languages": null
                        "private": {
                            "first_name": "Bob",
                            "last_name": "O",
                            "email": "",
                            "mobile": "040404044",
                            "landline": "040404044",
                            "landline_extension": "32",
                            "lang": null,
                            "photo": null,
                            "use_email_signature": null,
                            "licence": null
                        "role": "agent",
                        "created_at": "$userCreatedAt2",
                        "updated_at": "$userUpdatedAt2"

Patch update

PATCH /transactions/{id}
  • JSON request

Change the status of the transaction:

Name Type Mandatory Comment
op string yes Operation to execute (replace)
path string yes Path "/status" to update the status.
value object yes Details about the action

Here the description of value object:

Name Type Mandatory Comment
status string yes Can be "open", "won", "lost"
reason string yes Reason for lost status
note string yes Comment for the transaction
workflow object yes Available if reason is set to Lost to competition

The stucture of workflow:

Name Type Mandatory Comment
property_status string yes new property status
lead_status string yes new lead status
  • JSON request example:
    "operations": [
        { "op": "replace", "path": "/status", "value": {"status": "lost", "reason": "good reason"} }

Change the assigned user:

Name Type Mandatory Comment
op string yes Operation to execute (replace)
path string yes Path "/assignment/user".
value integer yes id of the user
  • JSON request example:
    "operations": [
        { "op": "replace", "path": "/assignment/user", "value": 123 }
  • JSON response:

Will return a 204 http code.

Bulk update Transaction

PATCH /transactions
  • JSON request

Change the status of the transaction:

Name Type Mandatory Comment
op string yes Operation to execute (replace)
path string yes Path "/id/status" to update the status.
value object yes status: value data (Can be "open", "won", "lost"). reason: string. The reason of the new status

Change the assigned user:

Name Type Mandatory Comment
op string yes Operation to execute (replace)
path string yes Path "/id/assignment/user".
value integer yes id of the user
  • JSON request example:
    "operations": [
        { "op": "replace", "path": "/1/status", "value": {"status": "lost", "reason": "good reason"} },
        { "op": "replace", "path": "/1/assignment/user", "value": 123 }
  • JSON response:

Will return a 204 http code.

Delete Transaction

  • Endpoint:
DELETE /transactions/{id}
  • Allowed for:

Admins only.

Curl example :

$ curl -X DELETE ''

Delete Transactions

  • Endpoint:
DELETE /transactions
  • Allowed for:

Admins only.

  • JSON request:

An array of transaction ID.

  • JSON request example:
    "transactions": [
        1, 2, 3
  • JSON response:

Will return a 204 http code.